Women in Public Affairs Turns Ten

To celebrate ten years of Women in Public Affairs, throughout the year we’ll be asking ten questions to WiPA women past and present


Charlotte Adamson


 What's your role with WiPA and when did you get involved?

I’m currently Chair of WiPA, having been on the Committee since 2018.

What were you up to 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was in my first year at university, studying law and still thinking I wanted to be a barrister. I definitely didn’t know public affairs was a career then!

What’s been your career highlight from the last decade?

Working with Royal Mail to get Government to legislate for CDC pensions. Not every day you actually get to say you helped change the law to create something that will provide better outcomes for people.

And personal highlight?

The return of high-rise jeans and dungarees.

And (of course) WiPA highlight?

Hard to pick just one highlight so I’ll go for the small things – when I hear from women that WIPA has made a difference to them - helped them in their career, meet new contacts or grow in confidence - it always reminds me why I got involved in WIPA in the first place and why the network is so important. Running our surveys with Opinium and starting to see some positive change in the industry as a result of our work has also been pretty cool.

Is there a women in PA you think we should know about?

I’ve been lucky enough to benefit from coaching in my career and so have to shout out the fantastic Lindsay Paterson. She has a background in public affairs so is able to give really relevant advice and definitely helped me build up my confidence. She’s also been very generous with her time in running some WiPA training sessions – thanks Lindsay!

What would you do if you had an extra 10 minutes in the day?

Actually water the plants in my garden rather than just thinking about it.

Where's your favourite place to wine and dine?

I would recommend Banners in Crouch End for anyone living in North London. And for more of a beer vibe, I have only ever had a good time at the Wimbledon Brewery.

What are you reading?

I’ve just started The Promise by Damon Galgut, which won the Booker prize last year.

What’s your top tip for women working in public affairs?

Be authentic and don't be afraid to speak up. You're always in the room for a reason and taking a different approach or viewpoint to others doesn't mean you're wrong - it might be the perfect fresh approach your client or business is looking for